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  • House System

    House System

    Students at Devonport High School for Girls are well cared for by a dedicated pastoral support team. All students join one of four Houses for their journey through the school; Edgcumbe, Flete, Hartland, Kitley and Saltram. The Form Tutors support students on a daily basis through Years 7–11, while the Head of House monitors their progress and welfare, celebrates their achievements and provides additional support when required. We aim to get to know each student individually so that we can develop the academic and inter-personal skills required to make a successful transition to the Sixth Form and life beyond school. An integral part of this objective is to develop strong relationships and communication with parents/carers.

    Our pastoral support begins with transitional visits to students' primary schools and an induction day in Term 6. New Year 7 students are integrated into life at Devonport High School for Girls with the help of Transition Mentors, who are Year 8 students, while specially trained Sixth Form academic and pastoral mentors are also available. Year 7 students also take part in a teambuilding activity in September at Escot Park.

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