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  • Expansion Proposal

    Expansion Proposal

    Proposal to expand Devonport High School for Girls - consultation is now closed

    Dear Parents/Carers

    I am writing to inform you of the proposal to increase the Published Admission Number (PAN) at Devonport High School for Girls from 120 to 180 for admission to Year 7. This will be done in two phases, with an increase from 120 to 150 in September 2020 and from 150 to 180 from September 2021. A high percentage of our pupils choose to stay on at school to undertake further education and therefore we anticipate the number of post-16 pupils will also increase.

    The proposals are outlined in detail in the public consultation document attached (see below). All pupils will benefit from improved accommodation and specialist facilities appropriate for the modern curriculum. Some lessons currently take place in classrooms which are smaller than modern dimensions; the capacity to extend some accommodation will provide a better learning experience for pupils and a more energy-efficient, positive working environment.

    Looking to the future, additional pupils will also allow us to maintain a breadth of curriculum at Key Stage 4 and Post-16 through an optimum number of pupils making option choices. Our curriculum offer is strong but the capacity to protect diversity at Key Stage 4 and Post-16 will ensure that all aspects of the curriculum can thrive.

    The additional funding will enable further investment in the resources of our school benefiting our pupils across all areas of the school community. Money we constantly spend in repairing the older huts can be invested in new modern facilities.

    We believe that the partnership plan outlined in the consultation document (attached) will provide excellent opportunities for our pupils and staff to grow both academically and personally through collaboration with other schools and our community.

    As part of the application process there is a four week public consultation with the community to hear the views of local people.

    Consultation is now closed

    Devonport High School for Girls
    Lyndhurst Road

    PL2 3DL

    Alternatively you are invited to attend the public consultation session at Devonport High School for Girls on Tuesday 3rd July 2018 at 5:00pm in the Main Hall

    Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and the consultation paper. This is a wonderful opportunity to try and access financial support from the government through the Selective School Expansion Fund in order to further improve the educational experience for your child, and we look forward to hearing your views.

    Yours sincerely

    Mrs A Hemsi
    Head Teacher

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