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  • 11+ Examinations will take place on 7th and 14th November 2020

    11+ Examinations will take place on 7th and 14th November 2020

    Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) we have received guidance from the DFE in relation to the 11 plus and how it should be administered. The variation of the admission arrangements for the 2021/22 academic year to move the test dates from 12 September & 19 September 2020 to 7 November & 14 November has now been approved.

    It has also been approved that parents/carers are offered the option to nominate four preferences rather than three for the 2021/2022 academic year only. This will help address the fact that parents/carers will need to express their preferences without knowing whether their child would qualify for a place in a selective school.  A copy of the Admission Arrangements for 2021-22 and Secondary coordinated scheme of admission can be found on the following page: Admissions.


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