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Devonport High School for Girls

Lower Years

In Years 7 and 8, all students follow courses in Art, Biology, Chemistry, Citizenship, Computing, Drama, English, Technology, a Modern Foreign Language (French, Spanish, Chinese or German), Geography, History, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Physics and Religious Studies. Our pastoral programme, delivered by our Form Tutors, covers the requirements of PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education).

To ensure that all aspects are covered as rigorously as possible, we also invite expert speakers in to complement the programme offer.

Middle Years

The Middle Years programme at the school extends over three years and offers all students the chance to pursue ten GCSEs, including the EBacc subjects.

The core curriculum consists of English (Literature and Language), Mathematics, Double or Separate Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and a Modern Foreign Language. In addition to the Core offer, our students have the opportunity to choose an additional four options including Art and Design (Fine Art), Business Studies, Classical Civilisation, Computer Science, Drama, Food Preparation and Nutrition, Geography, History, additional Languages (Chinese, French, German, and Spanish), Music, Physical Education and Religious Studies.

Students are encouraged to ensure that their combination of subject choices provides a broad and balanced learning experience. All students choose a combination of subjects that fulfils the requirements of the English Baccalaureate.

Rigorous support is available for both students and parents/carers regarding the selection of options and every effort is made to ensure that students can take the courses of their choice. In addition to GCSE subjects, all students follow a Physical Education course. Our Careers, Religious Studies, Citizenship, Work Related Learning and PSHEE programmes are all delivered through our well-supported Pastoral Programme.

In Year 10, all students are also offered the opportunity to undertake a week’s work experience. During Year 10, all students are encouraged to start to consider their options for Years 12 and 13 including the Sixth Form (upper years) and spend a day visiting a local university.

During Year 11 students attend information and guidance events and interviews to ensure the choices available are clear. Parents/carers are encouraged to become fully involved at this very important time. Extensive support is available to ensure that choices made are realistic and appropriate.