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Devonport High School for Girls

Visit of Erasmus+ Social Enterprise Europe Partners from Poland and Hungary

Erasmus+ SEE students at DHSG hosted their Polish and Hungarian partners recently and through a series of visits and workshops they learned a lot about Social Enterprise in the South West, particularly since Plymouth became the first UK Social Enterprise city in 2013. They visited the Entrepreneurship Centre at the University and also enjoyed a tour of the university campus, including the wave machine. They spent a day at the National Marine Aquarium learning about designing and creating Apps using technology with which they were very familiar, but in a new way. As good examples of Social Enterprise they visited the Tamar Valley Food Hubs co-operative and also the Eden Project where they learned about the Business of Eden, how it was set up and how it has benefited the local community over the past 15 years.

On Thursday 3rd March the whole E+ SEE group joined the rest of Year 10 students in an Enterprise Day at DHSG. The E+ SEE teams had to imagine they were catering companies set up on a social enterprise basis offering healthy food options to the other teams who were staging promotional events for a new company. The presentations of all the E+ SEE teams were excellent and it was very gratifying to see how much knowledge they had gained and the relevant information they were able to apply.