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View Our Virtual Open Event - Year 7 Entry September 2022

September 2021 Virtual Open Event

Welcome to Devonport High School for Girls. Unfortunately, due to current Covid restrictions, including the Local Covid Enhanced Response Area Directive, we are unable to hold an Open Evening on site. We will hold school tours for individual prospective students with one parent/carer between the 4th and 21st October 2021. Tours are now open for booking. Please see the online booking form HERE.

For all prospective students and their parents/carers, we have prepared a series of videos delivered by staff and students introducing aspects of life at Devonport High School for Girls.

The department links on this page will also guide you through the different subjects. We are very proud of our students and school, and we hope you find this helpful when considering the right school for your child.

Please click on the buttons below to view our open event videos.

Welcome from Mrs B Bell,  Acting Head Teacher 

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Year 7 Induction — Layla, Year 7

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The Transition from Primary School — Aisha, Year 9 

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Our Curriculum — Natasha, Year 11 

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Enrichment Opportunities — Katie, Year 11 

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Pastoral Care and Student Support — Mrs R Morgan, Assistant Head Teacher and DSL 

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Quotes from Ofsted and Parents/Carers 

Parent/Carers Quotes

  • ‘Thank you to you and all the staff of Devonport High School for Girls for your hard work and commitment to excellence which has kept such a high standard of learning during these changing times. My daughter has continued to enjoy learning and developing new skills thanks to your inspiring leadership and the brilliant work of her tutor and all her subject teachers. Thank you all for your incredible dedication in overcoming unprecedented challenges.’ 
  • ‘We would just like to thank you for your excellent provision during these difficult times. We feel the teaching, remote lessons, online support and communication have been outstanding. Thank you so much for your hard work and sacrifice during this pandemic. We are very grateful our daughter is part of this school community, and appreciate all you are doing.’
  • ‘Thank you for arranging such a fabulous last day. You've been brilliant right from the start of Year 7 until the very last day!’ 
  • ‘Thank you, everyone, for all your hard work. I know my daughter is very well looked after, has great friends but has academic challenge too. A hard balancing act but you achieve it.’ 
  • ‘I have been able to spend some time at home this week and therefore observed how the remote teaching is going. I would like to commend all the teachers who have clearly put a tremendous amount of effort into their sessions.’

Ofsted Quotes 

  • Pupils’ attitudes to learning are outstanding
  • Across the curriculum, pupils develop very strong knowledge, skills and understanding that prepare them very well for the next steps in their education. Pupils achieve well
  • Pupils’ behaviour, both in lessons and around the school, is outstanding
  • Pupils are attentive, focused and supportive of each other
  • Staff provide an exceptional level of care for pupils. Staff prioritise pupils’ mental well-being. Pupils agree that staff look after their welfare very well.
  • Pupils have high aspirations
  • Staff provide pupils with exceptionally detailed information about further education and employment
  • Pupils feel very well-supported in making decisions about their next steps
  • The curriculum develops pupils’ knowledge about subjects alongside their understanding of the world beyond school
  • Pupils leave Devonport High School for Girls as well-rounded individuals, very well-prepared for life in twenty-first century Britain
  • Pupils study a rich breadth of subjects that enhance their view of the world
  • Pupils told inspectors how much they valued the opportunities to study beyond the formal curriculum. For example, pupils have opportunities to study astronomy, politics and photography
  • Leaders plan carefully what pupils learn and when
  • Teaching makes pupils think deeply
  • Pupils develop exceptionally strong empathy, kindness and tolerance
  • Pupils have a wide range of opportunities to explore their views of the world. They develop an enhanced sense of democracy and social justice
  • Students in the sixth form experience a rich and varied curriculum
  • Students have very high aspirations. For example, the proportion of students who study medicine at university is considerably above the national figure
  • The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders are tenacious in ensuring the emotional and physical well-being of pupils. They act swiftly and appropriately to keep pupils safe at all times


Parent, Teacher and Friends Association — Parent Mrs K Baker 

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Our full school prospectus can be viewed on our prospectus page or by  clicking here

Our social media channels provide a flavour of the different aspects of school life. Take a look below to find out more and follow us for regular updates.



Curriculum Area


Welcome to English

Head of English and Acting Assistant Headteacher: Mrs H Morgan

At Devonport High School for Girls, our aim is to ensure students enjoy English lessons and develop a lasting love of literature and language. We love books from many genres, and we have developed a curriculum that covers great stories from the classics - Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and Jane Austen; through to modern texts such as Malorie Blackman’s Noughts and Crosses and collections of contemporary poets. Our topics explore different cultures and experiences helping students to develop their confidence, both written and spoken. We believe that the study of a diverse collection of great writing is essential for all; it builds empathy and creativity and as CS Lewis said “you can make anything by writing”

We are a very happy department that creates a real team atmosphere in our lessons and every year we look forward to welcoming new students to Y7.  

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page  HERE


Welcome to Mathematics

Head of Mathematics: Mr R Riseborough

The Devonport High School for Girls Mathematics Department consists of 8 specialists who are all passionate about our subject. Our goal is to share our love for mathematics with all students. If students are yet to discover the beauty of our subject, we accept the challenge to open their eyes. Our curriculum is rich in content with problem-solving and collaboration at its core. It will create moments of wonder when you solve a problem for the first time, discover a more elegant solution, or notice hidden connections.  

We very much are looking forward to welcoming new students to year 7, the mathematics you study will equip you with uniquely powerful ways to describe, analyse and change the world. 

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page  HERE


Welcome to Physics

Head of Physics: Mr C Moore

The Physics Department at Devonport High School for Girls is passionate about Physics. From Year 7 to Year 13 we develop an understanding of how the exceptionally small and the unfathomably large work, from the tiniest of particles to the enormity of space. Physics is a fascinating subject, with ever-growing relevance to the technological world in which we live, and it is a subject that opens the door to a plethora of careers and futures. We believe that Physics is best learnt through practical experience, wherever possible, and engaging demonstration. The curriculum is covered in four key areas: Forces, Waves, Energy and Electricity. In partnership with schools across South Devon and Torbay, we run several Physics events each year and are proud of the Physics enrichment activities that we offer. We look forward to meeting new students in Year 7 and to guiding them through their next steps on the Physics journey of discovery.

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page HERE


Welcome to Psychology

Subject Lead: Sarah Roberts

The Psychology Department is a thriving area of the Sixth Form.  It is regularly one of the most popular subjects chosen and is delivered in an exciting and fascinating way. The study of Psychology enables you to think scientifically about behaviour, and how people think.  It is a useful subject in terms of understanding societal change, crime, the behaviour of children and so on.  It links across a wide range of topics and looks at a variety of case studies that help you understand where current theory and behaviour have come from.  It gives students the opportunities to practise skills in analysis, evaluation and argument, and to become competent enquirers into scenarios.

Psychology links well with careers in Law, Teaching, Medicine and general healthcare, but also in areas of managing and marketing as well. 

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page HERE


Welcome to Biology

Head of Biology: Mr D Blackford

At Devonport High School for Girls, our aim in the Biology department is to deliver engaging and interactive lessons that also foster a deep and lifelong appreciation of the natural world and understanding of how living organisms work. Green issues are at the forefront in the modern world, and these are considered in elements of study and the ‘Encourage initiative. Practical activities are incorporated into lessons; this includes laboratory work and field investigations in the ecology area and the wider environment. The department offers opportunities beyond the syllabus, including the ‘Men in White’ visit to the Peninsula Medical school, and individual preparation for careers in Biology related careers. Students are challenged to think and apply knowledge in preparation for assessments and to further understand the world in which they live.

We are a very strong and experienced department that creates a real team atmosphere in our lessons and every year we look forward to welcoming new students to Y7.

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page HERE


Welcome to Chemistry

Head of Science and Chemistry: Mr P Edwards

Chemistry is at the heart of much of what we consider essential in our everyday modern lives, ranging from the development of new materials and energy sources to sustainable development, environmental monitoring and the protection of the world’s natural systems and cycles.  

At Devonport High School for Girls, our aim in the Chemistry department is to deliver the curriculum at each Key Stage through engaging and interactive lessons that also foster a deep and lifelong appreciation of the material world and an understanding of the processes of Chemistry. Wherever possible, practical activities are incorporated into lessons with a view to helping students develop their laboratory skills and gaining a more in-depth understanding of the principles and processes we study. Students are challenged to think, apply their knowledge, and solve problems to further enhance their understanding of this fascinating area of Science.  

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page HERE


Welcome to Languages

Head of Languages: Mrs D Broadbent

In today’s Europe and in the wider global community, foreign languages assume great importance in cultural and vocational education.  In the Languages department at DHSG, we aim to provide our students with the necessary skills to communicate effectively in a variety of languages (French, Spanish, German, Mandarin Chinese, Latin) and with a sympathetic attitude to and deeper understanding of the relevant cultures in the language of study. Furthermore, in the teaching of specific languages, we endeavour to foster language awareness and to develop language learning skills which will serve as a valuable basis for the acquisition of skills in other foreign languages.

Language lessons focus on developing students' ability to engage in spontaneous talk and practise transferable thinking skills. Above all, as committed and enthusiastic language learners ourselves, we wish to pass on a love of languages and encourage students to embrace language learning as a vital life skill.

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page HERE


Welcome to Drama

Head of Drama: Tom Newman 

Our Drama department’s aim at DHSG, is to equip each and every student with the self-confidence to realise who they truly are; the freedom of expression, in all forms and the creative licence to explore the world in which they live, and what truly matters to them. We love sharing our passion for theatre with our students, and actively seek ways to integrate a range of modern and contemporary plays into the curriculum, be it through study or experience, with regular theatre trips organised throughout the academic year. For those students who wish to pursue the Arts further, we have a number of links to local Theatre Companies, who share and provide extra-curricular opportunities to take part in what is a vibrant Arts scene for 11-18-year-olds in Plymouth and the surrounding areas.

In house, extra-curricular opportunities provide students with the opportunities to mix with students from all year groups, fostering a positive, inclusive and lively community spirit — there’s never a quiet day in the Drama rehearsal space!

Ultimately, the most important facet of your experience of Drama at DHSG will be your enjoyment; this is what we pride ourselves on, as both teachers and practitioners.

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page HERE


Welcome to the Music department

Head of Music: Mrs S Mitchell 

At Devonport High School for Girls, our aim is to engage and inspire students to develop their musical talent and a love of music which in turn will increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.

Our Music department has recently been redecorated and consists of the main teaching space with six large adjoining practice rooms which are used for group work and instrumental and singing tuition. Topics in Year 7 include singing, an introduction to keyboard work, Latin American Music, Blues, Reggae and musical canons. In addition to a one-hour Music lesson each week, students can also opt to have one to one or group instrumental or singing tuition from our team of visiting peripatetic teachers.

The Music department offers a wide range of extra-curricular clubs including a Year 7 choir, chamber choir, orchestra and string group.

This area of the school is a lively and busy department, and you will find Music lessons fun and practically based as well as developing your musical skills and knowledge.

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page HERE


Welcome to PE

Head of Physical Education: Miss S Clatworthy  

The PE Department at Devonport High School for Girls believes that participation is the most important element of success. We offer a wide variety of activities so there is something to suit everyone and our ethos is that trying hard is as important as winning.

Whilst we encourage success at an elite level in a wide variety of sports, we also appreciate the importance of physical activity for leisure and offer the opportunity for girls to participate on a purely recreational basis.

Our activities, both in and outside the curriculum include such diversity as dance, climbing, team sports and racket sports. All can be undertaken recreationally or more competitively, but ultimately it’s all about getting involved.

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page HERE


Welcome to Art

Head of Art: Mr A Burton 

What is ART? Have you ever asked yourself this question? This question has been around since man/woman first made a mark on a rock with some old charcoal lit by a fire. Well, we will explore with you what art is and can be! Students will need an open mind and be willing to take risks. Not every student feels they are an expert at Art, but this should not cause any student to worry as making mistakes in art is an important part of growing as an artist. So we want to see happy accidents, these help us to see things from a different perspective. All students will be making and drawing and painting in a relaxed, fun environment surrounded by creativity.

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page HERE


Welcome to Business

Head of Business and Enterprise: Ms D Mc Mahon 

No matter what your vocation, you will encounter the world of business. Having the ability to engage in business activity with confidence will set you apart from the crowd. Business is an option subject at Devonport High School for Girls and you will have an opportunity to choose it in Year 9. Our aim is to ensure you get an opportunity to learn about the world around you, how businesses work and what challenges businesses face.

Would you like to set up your own business and be a successful entrepreneur like Alan Sugar or Levi Roots? In the Business department, we love to explore the world of business through the lens of an entrepreneur. You will learn how to develop an idea, spot an opportunity and turn it into a successful business. As Richard Branson said, “Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming.”

Every year group also gets an opportunity to work in a team and to take part in an exciting and fun one day challenge similar to the ‘Young Apprentice/Dragon’s Den’. These Enterprise days are designed to engage and challenge you whilst learning vital Business skills.

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page HERE


Welcome to Geography

Head of Geography: Mr A Magee 

In Geography, we hope to stimulate interest amongst students in the amazing world around them. We strive to foster an understanding of the processes, both natural and human, which are changing and shaping the Earth. Our students are encouraged to ask questions, carry out enquiries and develop a range of skills that will enable them to describe, analyse, interpret, present and evaluate the wide variety of data sources available. 

Our topics reflect the ever-changing world in which our students are growing up. We develop an understanding of pressing global issues such as climate change, deforestation, population growth and natural hazards as well as highlighting how our everyday lives are tied up to such issues through concepts such as globalisation and sustainability. We seek to expose students to cultures, environments and landscapes that they may not have experienced such as tropical rainforests, coral reefs and polar regions. 

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page HERE


Welcome to History

Head of History: Mr N Cliff 

We are an enthusiastic department who are keen to work with new students and share our passion for our subject. We provide opportunities to develop historical knowledge and understanding about the past and to ask questions about key turning points, diverse societies and important individuals in History. We encourage a creative approach to learning in lessons and aim to create a stimulating environment. Our students are supported to become independent learners and to share their own knowledge of the subject with their peers and teachers.

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page HERE

Religious Studies

Welcome to Religious Studies

Head of Religious Studies: Mr A Abbots 

In our department, we pride ourselves on an original and creative approach to the subject, such as making totem poles, papier-mache shaman masks or painting rocks with Australian Aborigine ‘dot’ designs. We certainly believe that learning and fun make an excellent combination. In Years 7 and 8 students will be discovering the history, beliefs, rules, stories and festivals of the six major religions found in the UK – Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. Religious Studies is made for debates and expressions of opinion - always respectfully expressed. Religious Studies is a colourful journey in which students will be constantly exploring new ideas and broadening their knowledge of the world we live in.

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject page HERE

Food, Textiles and Computing

Welcome to Technology: Food, Textiles and Computing

Head of Technology: Mrs J Tribe

Food and Textiles at Devonport High School for Girls are highly enjoyable, creative subjects where practical activities are a central part of your learning. Food: ‘First we eat, then we do everything else!’ MFK Fisher (American food writer). Hopefully cooking is already enjoyed, and what could be better than getting the chance to learn new skills at school? The dishes students make in Year 7 range from a simple ‘deli’ salad to delicious, flavoured and shaped bread rolls via crumble, flapjack, scones, pizza and muffins, and that’s not all; we aim to build the knowledge and techniques to work hygienically and safely when carrying out practical work and also develop an understanding of what constitutes healthy eating and where food comes from. Textiles: As Pablo Picasso said ‘I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else'. In Textiles, you are encouraged to explore the work of a range of artists to inspire your own creativity. In Year 7 for example, landscape artists such as Rebecca Vincent will inspire students to make a textured and embellished landscape panel using hand and machine stitching and a variety of materials and components. Textiles skills and techniques will be developed in order that students are able to work safely, competently and imaginatively.

Computer Science

 Many students will already be very good at using computers for many aspects of your life; learning, leisure and entertainment. How interesting therefore to be able to develop an understanding of how digital systems actually work, and to be able to use this knowledge to create programs and applications? This is exactly what students will be encouraged to do at Devonport High School for Girls. The units we cover in Year 7 and 8 are designed to increase digital literacy in order to solve problems and develop creativity.

For more information on our curriculum content please visit the subject pages by clicking the links below:

Computer Science

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