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Devonport High School for Girls

Another successful Arkwright Scholarship applicant

This is the third consecutive year in which at least one of our students has gained one of these prestigious awards. The Arkwright Scholarship is designed to sponsor and support students with a keen interest in becoming future leaders of engineering. Further information can be found at

As part of her application, Victoria designed and built her own climbing wall. She constructed a timber frame, which was then painted with her own design, and then experimented with melting down old plastic bottles to make her own grips. These were then fixed to the frame using standard fixings. This was a fantastic and innovative project that used recycled materials, therefore also reducing plastic pollution. Congratulations on your scholarship Victoria and good luck with your future studies. Victoria is studying Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Further Maths and plans to study Chemical Engineering at University. Any Year 10 or 11 students interested in finding out more or applying for the scholarship should contact Mr Moore in Physics.