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Devonport High School for Girls

Welcome Mrs Xin, our CLEC teacher, formerly known as Hanban teacher this year.

Despite of all difficulties you could imagine under the pandemic, we are very lucky and so excited to welcome Mrs Xin, our CLEC teacher, formerly known as Hanban teacher this year. Please see the message from her below.

My name is Hua Xin. I was a teacher of English at a high school in north China. In 2016 I taught Chinese in Georgia, US for one year. During the time, I enjoyed travelling around, walking in the cities, towns and villages. I also love Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting.

My home city in China is also an ocean city, of which the sea front is much like the hoe in Plymouth. However, what I like most here is the friendly people of Plymouth, from bus drivers to staff in DHSG. Everyone is so friendly, supportive and dedicated to their work!

I have also been enjoying working with the students at DHSG. They are diligent, polite and love learning. I am very much look forward to working with them and developing their understanding of Chinese and China!

Welcome to DHSG, Mrs Xin! Pop in to Art Room 2 on Thursday lunchtime if you want to join Mrs. Xin’s Calligraphy club. It’s assured to be a relaxing and enjoying session!