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Devonport High School for Girls

Ten Tors and Duke of Edinburgh's Award Updates 2021/22


A successful 2 day @DoE Bronze Expedition Walk this weekend. Congratulations to all the students on this achievement and many thanks to all the volunteers and staff that supported this event.


Orienteering in Central Park, students testing their rucksack, carrying full kit in preparation for DoE qualifying expedition in two weeks.










More images of our two amazing Ten Tors 2022 45-mile teams.


Congratulations to all our teams competing in the Ten Tors Event over the weekend. You showed amazing resilience and stamina. We are very grateful to the Army for running this unique event.

35 Team A - Ready  to start


A clear, crisp start to day two of the gold D of E expedition. Approaching the last checkpoint of day 2 DoE gold. Lovely weather conditions. All still going strong.


A cold start for the final walk of the season- but the 35 teams have made it to Fox Tor ahead of route card time so all looking good.  A long day walking as we arrive at camp at sunset. Cold but dry apart from a few flurries of snow, and cooking in the dark for the 45s, before heading into tents to keep (slightly) warm!  A proper cold start to the next morning with temperatures down to -5. Everyone was up and packed to leave on time despite the problems with frozen tent poles! Well done all-amazing effort!!


Huge respect to all those who completed the huge walk for the team selection weekend- although the visibility was good the strong cold wind made walking and camping a challenge. A superb effort by everyone who came out this weekend- we are so proud of you all!


A really hard walk for the teams this weekend- nearly up to the full distance, almost 12 hours of walking on Saturday heading into the spectacular sunset and finishing in the dark. A cold camp at Lydford, then up again at 04.30 to leave again at 06.00. A massive effort from everyone- sore feet, a few tears, but such great teamwork and support for each other. Thank you to Miss Clatworthy and all the tired volunteers and also to the parents for their patience at the finish.


DHSG students enjoy getting to grips with putting up tents as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Training Day with H5 Adventure on Saturday. A productive and enjoyable day - despite the occasional shower!


A cold start to this morning’s walk- but we have sun and rainbows as well as the showers. It was a long hard walk in a cold wind and showers on Saturday, although they did see some sun. There are far fewer features to use to aid navigation on the south moor, so it is much more challenging; with the difficult ground underfoot, as well as being the first time with heavy packs. Well done to all the Ten Tors teams who are unfailingly cheery as they arrive back in the car park at the end of the day.


Ten tors volunteers out in the rain and fog last night planning the night walk. Mr Green also giving up his Friday night to join us.


A misty start for our four groups out on their taster walk yesterday to kick off the ten tors training season this year- but it didn’t rain, the energy and enthusiasm were fantastic. We are looking forward to the next one already.


Challenging navigation today for the Ten Tors teams- setting out into the mist and rain with only a map and a compass and unbelievable confidence! Well done to everyone involved.



Difficult call with the weather this weekend, but we went ahead and had a brilliant day! Windy and cold- just enough snow for a tiny snowball fight and a little of sun in the afternoon. Thank you to all the volunteer helpers for selflessly giving up their time this weekend and also to parents for the early start, and the walkers for being so cheerful throughout.











A misty start for our four groups out on their taster walk yesterday to kick off the ten tors training season this year- but it didn’t rain, the energy and enthusiasm were fantastic. We are looking forward to the next one already.