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Devonport High School for Girls

You will be aware of the death of George Floyd and subsequent events that have taken place recently in response to this. These events will have an impact on our students and highlights the presence and impact of racism in global society.

DHSG stands in solidarity with the Black community in the struggle against racism and in tackling matters of inequality and we wish to assure you that DHSG takes pride in its diverse community.

We pride ourselves in being fully committed to promoting equality and community cohesion; fostering a community of respectfulness, positive relationships and experiences in an environment free of harassment, violence and intimidation.

We recognise that all students and staff have a very important part to play in developing a positive culture, in society as a whole, where there is a common vision and sense of belonging where the diversity of people’s different backgrounds is valued and celebrated. We fight for all people to have similar life opportunities and we actively build strong and positive relationships between people from different backgrounds.

It is the responsibility of all of us, no matter what our ethnicity, race or religion, to work together in not tolerating racism and to respond to bias and discrimination in society. Schools have a major role to play, we are not complacent and will review our policies, processes and curriculum resources and promote anti-racism.