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Devonport High School for Girls

So Cool Science event at Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry (PUPSMD).

Twelve Year 9 students had an interactive experience of research labs and the interesting roles that are available in the biomedical sciences, by visiting the So Cool Science event at Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry (PUPSMD). The students took part in experiments at the campus in Plymouth Science Park, extracting DNA, learning about how to grow cells and exploring how the fruit fly can be used to model and understand human diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Students also had the chance to speak to active researchers about their work, which inspired students and supports opportunities available to women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) careers. Students had a great time, with one commenting “A fantastic experience that helped me look into all my favourite aspects of science. An excellent trip that I would recommend to others who are interested. 10/10”. Thanks to Prof Parkinson for his continued support and organising So Cool Science for 2018.

Dr Parry