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Devonport High School for Girls

DHSG Students win Plymouth's Rotary Young Photographer Competition.

DHSG Photography Club

Our photography club has been going strong for a few months now and back in early January some of our students entered Plymouth's Rotary Young Photographer Competition.

Of the 7 students who entered, two students (Elsa Hopkins and Anna Derry) won the local stage of this competition. Elsa and Anna will meet the Lord Mayor to receive their certificates.

Elsa’s Images

Garden Spider

Dew on Leaves

Dew on Leaves


Having won the local intermediate and senior stage of the competition both Elsa’s and Anna’s winning images were put forward for the District stage of the Rotary Photographic Competition.

We are delighted to hear that Anna has won the Senior District Round of the Competition.

Anna’s images

Dew Drops

An interesting and varied set showing a good eye and technical skill. The collie was an especially strong picture *


Dog Reflection


Three very striking and beautiful images of the reflections nature provides. Expertly captured and framed*

The judge’s comments*

Anna will now have an afternoon workshop with a leading outdoor photographer, Ross Hoddinott, a former winner of the British Wildlife Photographer of the Year.

All the images entered will be displayed for public viewing at the Britany Ferries Embarkation Lounge.  We are extremely proud of all the students who entered.

If you are interested in joining the Photography Club it meets every Friday lunchtime in T2; all ability levels welcome.

Mr Burrows & Mrs Salak