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  • A 21st Century

    Grammar School

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    Nurturing Excellence


    Welcome to Devonport High School for Girls, which was founded in 1908. We are a selective grammar school in the heart of Plymouth. We are proud of our history, but our main focus is looking to the future. Our outcomes for students at both GCSE and A Level are outstanding and make us one of the highest performing state schools in the South West.  Our aim here is to ensure we provide an exceptional educational experience for students, through a wealth of opportunities within a nurturing environment, leading to outstanding achievements.  

    What's Happening​​​​​​​

    Stay in the Loop

    Who's in the lead?

    House Points

    • 523


    • 584


    • 589


    • 546


    • 520


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    Welcome to the Sixth Form @ DHSG

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